Discover a charming European style Conveniently located to JFK Airport Western Ambassador is surrounded by The hotel is a short walk to Hall, Museums, Galleries and Famous commitment to quality, you will reflected in the quiet elegance of attention from the multi lingual an enjoyable experience.
This destination of choice for the beautiful guest rooms, warm gracious room is beautifully furnished and as cable television, direct dial coffee maker. Guest rooms feature amenities. To enhance your stay, the newspaper. The hotel is convenient entertainment venues.
| hotel in the heart of Broadway. and La Guardia Airport, the Best exciting theaters and restaurants. Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Fifth Avenue shopping. Experience a enjoy a high standard of hospitality the surroundings and the personal staff, dedicated to making your stay
discerning travelers offers services and excellent value. Each showcases modern conveniences such telephone, climate control and modern bathroom with custom bath hotel provides a complimentary to dining, shopping and