A grand, modern hotel with an art Nice, within easy reach of the center and the town's main shopping guestrooms are decorated in muted furnishings. All include private telephones and televisions and used for a fee.
Guests can enjoy a dip in the the sauna and enjoy a drink or a lounge bar. The health conscious thanks to discounted use of a nearby amenities include childcare, areas, round the clock front desk is 500 meters from the Jardin Albert Chateau de Nice, with its panoramic kilometers and a 20 minute drive
| deco esque façade in the heart of beach, the Acropolis conference area. The 122 air conditioned colors with classically styled bathrooms with hairdryers, safes. Internet connections can be
indoor heated pool, sweat it out in cocktail in the elegant wood paneled need not forgo their daily workout fitness center. Other practical wireless Internet access in public service and pay parking. The hotel Ier park and 800 meters from the views of the city. Nice Airport is 7 from the hotel. |