Initially a family retreat, Bitter resort featuring eighty five restaurants, a full service marina,a sailing school. Bitter End is always regattas at the resort to the special offers on rates or packages. village" with 85 shoreside an awesome array of activities. End has spectacular sea views and is
The unigue architectural design of you the opportunity to truly enjoy they were built. All villas have two ceiling fan, refrigerator, coffee shower with sea views, and a wrap hammock. So please accept an with them and allow them to make you will remember with fondness for
| End has evolved into a destination shoreside accommodations, three world renown watersports center and abuzz with activity. From upcoming biggest fish recently caught, to Bitter End is a "rollicking nautical accomodations,three restaurants and Every accommodation ashore at Bitter surrounded by lush tropical gardens.
our famous original cottages offers the natural environment for which twin beds or one king size bed, maker, large dressing area and around porch with a double size invitation from the staff to visit your stay a memorable occasion, one the rest of your life. |