The Russo Palace Hotel is a luxury Mark's Square in the hearth of location for a relaxing and pleasure. The attentive, always endeavors to make clients' Carefully restored during the last Hotel has 22 rooms on 4 floors. All cherry wood borne from the skilled have made every piece a work of art.
All rooms have large windows, some unforgettable panorama over all the Venice. The rooms offer private feature of the hotel is that all of all, the hotel offers its guests the elegance of a by gone era combined staff is available to assist you require.
The Russo Palace Hotel is now
| hotel a quick 10 minutes from Saint Venice. The hotel is in an ideal enjoyable stay for both business and professional and well mannered staff stay memorable and pleasant. year, the Gothic styled Russo Palace rooms are perfectly furnished in hands of Venetian craftsmen that
with a balcony providing an Saint Mark's basin and the lagoon of baths and satellite TV. Another the rooms are non smoking. Above opportunity to enjoy the style and with all the comforts and attentive with any needs that you might
completely non smoking. |