The red brick Hotel Agon 2003 and is located in Samariter Strasse station, two in the eastern center of Berlin. The style and equipped with en suite telephones. Ten rooms also have ISDN apartments with kitchenette and
A generous complimentary buffet Guests can unwind in the hotel bar courtesy of the free Internet lobby. Beyond the hotel there is Simon Dach Strasse, famous for its easy walking distance, and parliament building are a five inspiring Olympic stadium is also Airport is 18 kilometers (11 miles hotel.
| Frankfurter Allee opened in August Friedrichshain, just 200 meters from kilometers from the Alexanderplatz, 73 rooms are decorated in a modern bathrooms, cable TV and direct dial facilities and there are three refrigerator.
breakfast is served every morning. after a busy day, or surf the web facilities provided in the hotel plenty for guests to see and do. busy bars and nightlife, is within Checkpoint Charlie and the Reichstag minute metro ride away. The awe well worth a visit. Berlin Tegel away and a 30 minute drive from the