Situated in a pleasant, residential Ciutat de Mallorca offers every simply for your well deserved with air conditioning and Canal Digital Satellite ensure that comfortable. The hotel has swimming pool, a sauna and a convention rooms.
This small and friendly hotel facilities which meet and exceed the leisure travelers. Whatever brings Mallorca, you'll be comfortable and property. There's a commercial the hotel. Bellver Castle is one near the harbor, and the famous away.
The Hesperia Ciutat de Mallorca the end of April 2005. There will be bar and no breakfast available until
| area of Palma, the Hotel Hesperia facility for your business trips or breaks. Its 62 fully equipped rooms televisions with Canal Plus and your stay will be pleasant and beautifully landscaped gardens, a gymnasium as well as meeting and
offers genuine hospitality and fine expectations of both business and you to the Hesperia Ciutat de content in this pleasant, four star center only half a kilometer from kilometer away. The hotel is also cathedral is only 3.5 kilometers
will be undergoing renovations until no no pool, no in house movies, no renovations are completed in April. |