Captivating Chile

During pre-Columbian days, Chile was a mix of various people from different ancient cultures. The topography was directly responsible for the character of the various groups, even to the extent of them being subject to the aggression of the Inca Indians. There were farmers to the north called Aymaras who tended herds of Llama and Alpaca while cultivating maize. The coastal areas primarily belonged to the fishermen, the mountain regions were home to Diaguita Indians, and the center and south were the Araucarian Indians territory.
By 1494, all of the territory to the west of Brazil had been given to Spain in accordance with the Spanish-Portuguese
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The city of Antofagasta in Chile is the largest of the Norte Grande region, brought on by the massive mining boom from the 19th century. Even in the 20th century, many foreign settlers have come to Antofagasta to stake their claim. Because of this, you will find a unique European feel in ambience, environment, architecture, food, and dress. For instance, you will discover the Plaza Colon, which is a perfect replica of London’s Big Ben. Other hints to the European presence include numerous Victorian buildings to include one magnificent home called Bario
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Atacama Desert

The Atacama Desert found in Chile is a sparsely populated plateau that seldom receives any rainfall, thus the reputation as being one of the driest deserts. This particular desert runs from the Pacific Ocean to the Andes, with an average width of 100 miles although it stretches out 600 miles to the south of Peru. At the location where the mountains are the closest to the coastal range the elevation is around 2,500 feet.
Comprised of salt basins known as Salars, sand, and lava flow,
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Chile's Dieciocho

While visiting the country of Chile, you will be intrigued by all there is to do and see. One of the things that this country is known for are the incredible festivals. One of these that are considered among the most popular is called Dieciocho. Held during the month of September, this celebration is over the independence of the country from Spain. The Chilean people go all out for Dieciocho, with parades, festivities, music, food, drink, and more!
When in Chile during this time, you will often hear music coming from open-air buildings known as
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