The Emerald Islands of Indonesia

Described as floating emerald islands, for centuries, Indonesia has been a place that draws in people from around the world to include missionaries, European colonizers, backcountry adventurers, Indian and Chinese traders, curious travelers, mining companies, and more. The air of Indonesia has a subtle fragrance of spices and sandalwood. That coupled with the incredible mountains and volcanoes, as well as the pristine beaches and Bali Hai lifestyle, you can see why this has been such an attraction for so long.
Unfortunately, Indonesia has also been a country of war, terrorist attacks, and other unrest. Sadly,
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Indonesian Backcountry

Today when traveling to Indonesia, you have to be careful. Although a magnificent country, featuring more than 13,000 of the most beautiful islands, keep in mind that current unrest has been targeted at western tourists.
Therefore, the government suggests you stay within areas deemed safe, avoid public gatherings, and avoid any type of demonstration. However, when with skilled guides, you will find that many of the backcountry areas of the country are still fine for traveling, which is why we wanted to discuss some of your possibilities.
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Waisak Festival at Borobudur

The city of Borobudur is located not far from Mendut in Indonesia. In this city, the people of Indonesia celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha. The city of Borobudur was built during 9th century AD. Today, the city boasts the largest Buddhist monument in the world, as shown in the photograph. Interestingly, it took more than 100 years, three generations of men to complete this monument.
As you make the five-mile journey from Mendut to Borobudur, you cannot help but notice the Buddha sitting peacefully. For the Waisak Festival,
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Water Adventures in Indonesia

With water all around Indonesia, some of the most beautiful water in the world it is no wonder that water sports are very popular for both locals and visitors. You can visit any number of beaches to enjoy boating, swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, surfing, windsurfing, or simply soaking up the sun (not a water sport but close enough). Many times, tourists will charter a boat or join a guided tour to venture into some of the most tropical islands of the Indonesia archipelago.
With these “water safaris”, you will have the chance to discover
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