United States - Land of Opportunity

Most people have heard of the United States being the land of opportunity and it is which is why this country is one of the greatest in the world! Although the United States is just 229 years old, it already has an amazing, rich history. Being comprised of every ethnic group in the world, a place where people can work, practice religion of choice, wear clothing that ranges from traditional to trendy, and enjoy a life of freedom is what makes this country so incredible.
In the United States, people are free to choose their life path. Although the country has made mistakes such as racism, destruction of Native American cultures, and imperialism,
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Parrot Jungle Island

Parrot Jungle Island is located in Florida is one of the most amazing parks you can imagine. Although there are numerous levels of this park, we wanted to provide you with a good overview to show you just how spectacular Parrot Jungle Island is. It all started in 1911 when Franz Scherr from Austria came to the United States. A full 25 years later, Scherr decided to create something spectacular and unique. As a carpenter, he looked throughout the country to find the perfect spot. However, he married in Chicago, Illinois where he married and started his
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Metropolitan Museum of Art

Located in New York City, New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is an impressive place that was first founded in 1929 as an educational institution. The people of the museum are dedicated to educating the public and providing complete programs to enlighten by understanding the world of modern art. At the museum, you will find an amazing gallery, along with a place where people can go to give lectures, symposiums, and special talks.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has established, preserved, and documented a permanent collection of incredible art,
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The Statue of Liberty

While there are a number of historical sites, one of the most recognized in the United States is the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Given to the country by France in 1865 as a gift, this statue is now the symbol of freedom. The construction of the statue was finally completed in 1884 in France and then just one year later, was dismantled and shipped to New York where it would be put back together. In all, 350 pieces were shipped to make the massive status that now is seen on Liberty Island. Known as
Lady Liberty, the statue is open to
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