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Guides » Canada » Pointe A Calliere

Pointe A Calliere

Located in Montreal, Pointe a Calliere is a wonderful National Historic Site that features one of the most incredible museums in Canada. This museum was built on top of an authentic archaeological site, which is a 1642 colonial site . When visiting the museum, you will enjoy a great multimedia show that teaches about the ruins of this area of the world.

This presentation is designed to walk you through six centuries, starting in the Amerindian times to the current time. After the presentation, you can participate in an incredible underground archaeological tour, enjoy beautiful views of the Saint Pierre River and Catholic cemetery, all very impressive.

Pointe A Calliere, Canada
The visit to Pointe a Calliere is fascinating, showing you important pieces of history that make you appreciate the country of Canada even more. If you prefer, you can enjoy a self-guided tour through the museum as you explore the underground crypt where many interesting artifacts have been unearthed in recent archaeological digs. Today, these very pieces are on display for everyone to enjoy.

After visiting Pointe a Calliere Museum, there are many great things to do while in Montreal. For instance, there is easy transportation to help you get around the city to experience fine restaurants, great nightclubs, shopping, and other historical sites. Montreal is a lovely place in Canada where the air is clean and the people warm and friendly.

The great thing is that unlike some other foreign countries, you will agree that getting around Montreal is a breeze. For transportation, you can take the bus, which is efficient and safe. The city itself is divided into a grid that runs east and west, and north and south. In addition, while Montreal is a nice size city, it is not overly large. With that, you can get around easily and enjoy Pointe a Caliere as well as many of the other sites just waiting to be explored.

Last Updated: 10/19/2006 3:14:00 PM

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