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Guides » Mexico » Cathedral of Mexico

Cathedral of Mexico

Cathedral of Mexico, also called Cathedral Metropolitana, is a marvelous towering structure. The construction of this cathedral first began in 1573, which was not completed until 1788. The style is even more impressive, consisting of a unique blend of Neoclassic, Baroque, and Churrigueresque.

Interestingly, this cathedral has begun to sink into the soft earth, due to the lake bottom underneath. In fact, if you were to stand back and look at the base, you would notice it is uneven but considering the mammoth size, you can easily understand why it has begun to shift. Today, permanent scaffolding has been put in place to ensure the building remains stable.

In the country of Mexico, you will find that ground is often considered religiously sacred although it may be one religious belief and then when successors appear, it changes. Cathedral Metropolitana For example, when Cortes came with his Spanish missionaires, the Aztec Indians were converted. With this, the standing temples were torn down although a good portion of the stone and rock were used to reconstruct a new church on the same spot. However, that church was torn down in 1628 during the construction of the Cathedral of Mexico.

This particular cathedral is truly magnificent, boasting five naves and fourteen chapels. You can walk among the smaller chapels while listening to the knowledgeable guides explaining the many features. For instance, there is also the Tomb of Agustin Lturbide, which as brought to the cathedral in 1838 and an incredible painting that was done in honor of a Spanish artist by the name of Bartolome Esteban Murillo. Other interesting facts about the cathedral include the stone holy water fonts that when tapped with a coin, ring out beautifully as if you had tapped on metal.

The Cathedral of Mexico, like many other large cathedrals, has catacombs located beneath, which are both mysterious and somewhat spooky. Then, there is another church near the cathedral, called the Sagrario. This Baroque style church was erected in the mid-1700s, also providing a wonderful glimpse into the past lives of the Mexican people.

When walking the grounds of the cathedral, you will also find hints of medieval trade life. Then on the west side of the building is a place where the workers on the building gather to include carpenters, painters, plumbers, etc. They all proudly show their tools, along with pictures of their skilled work. As you look up at the massive size of the cathedral, you realize it is a bit daunting.

However, today Catholics meet for mass, making this actually an inviting place that is warm and friendly. Inside, the rooms are dedicated to various disciples and saints, beautifully lined with candles, graven images, paintings, and gold. As you look around, you see how important these tangible things were to the people of that era, physical artifacts that still today, people enjoy.

Last Updated: 10/19/2006 3:14:00 PM

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