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Guides » Turkey » Caves of Turkey

Caves of Turkey

Interestingly, approximately 35% of the country of Turkey is underlay of carbonate rocks. Spread throughout most of the country, these caves are found primarily in the Taurus Mountain Range, in Anatolia to the southeast and northwest, and the Konya basin.

There, you will discover karstification, which is the dissolution of limestone by groundwater and rainfall that creates sinkholes and caverns, in the higher altitudes. However, karstification also exists below sea level, typically around Ovacik submarine springs, Kas-Kalkan submarine springs and then again along the Mediterranean coastal springs.

While some of the caves in Turkey have been researched, just as many are still unclassified. Caves in Turkey For years, the Turkish Cave Research Association has been working to explore as many caves as possible since 1964. Then from 1980 forward, caving as a sport has been investigated with more than 50 caves being explored so far. Another group from the Cave Research Project was founded in 1979. To their credit, some 150 caves have been studied. In addition, many students from local universities have taken part in surveys, explorations, and studies. Below, we have provided you with just a sample of the caves found in Turkey, along with what makes them so special.

Altinbesik Cave

Located near Urunlu Village, that water coming from Feyzullah Dudeni, Orucdudeni, and Buyukduden is discharged to the Manaygat River by Altinbesik Cave. To date, only a portion of the cave has been examined. The cave begins with a lake near the entrance and becomes quite deep in some areas. In the middle of the lake, you will find a natural bridge. Additionally, this particular lake has twin lakes on the travertine, which then branches out into three directions.

Kocaduden Cave

Located at the southwest area of Akseki Polje, this cave can be reached by the pathway from the second mile of Akseki-Bucakkisla main road. There, you will find a number of lakes that ends with a siphon. This cave is very deep and a great adventure.

Biyikli Sinkhole

The largest sinkhole in Turkey, this one is located not far from Biyikli Village. The water emerges from the Kirkgoz springs and the water sink in the siphon reemerges from the Varsak doline.

Tilkiler Sinkhole

Located on the Manaygat River, this cave was actually found by accident during an excavation. Regardless, this is a very active cave and the largest known one in the country, formed in conglomerate.

Pinargozu Cave

As the longest cave in Turkey, measuring seven miles, it was discovered in 1991. Known as the most important cave in the world, the Pinargozu Cave has many active passages and cascades. The other fascinating thing about this cave is that water temperatures are extremely cold.

Hislayik Cave

Located in the town of Karaman, this cave is traversed by an underground river with an 85-foot pit that divides the cave. Then, each passage starts with a siphon, which then continues with a siphon.

Balatini Cave

Located in Beysehir-Konya, this cave has two entrances from duden and fountain. There is a fossil branch surface found on the upper level, which is completely covered with cave clay. This level ends at the Statue Room where miniature statues are created by visitors. On the lower level, a main gallery is found that is filled with water. However, when water levels go down, you can easily get to the gallery by foot.

Susuz Cave

Located in Susuz Village, this cave is active and has two entrances that are narrow horizontal holes and a vertical pit. To have passage all year round, you would have to use a boat, especially during the spring months when the pass is potentially dangerous.

Remember, there are hundreds and hundreds of caves in Turkey, all beautiful and unique. If you love exploration and adventure, you can find a number of qualified and experienced guides to take you into some of these caves. The interestingly thing about this is that most people are unaware that caves even exist in Turkey.

Last Updated: 10/19/2006 3:14:00 PM

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