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![]() South Africa Adventure
After the apartheid, the African people are optimistic as they work toward a country with new energy and importance. For the first time in decades, tourists are again heading to locations of South Africa long abandoned. When arriving in South Africa, you will likely be surprised by the improvement of infrastructure and more places to see. Although you will also see areas still impoverished, the economy is greatly improved in many areas. Even so, we still see far too many people in this country dying of AIDS and some pockets of violence.
Some historians believe the nomadic San was living in the South African region around 100,000 BC but it was not for some 2,000 years when Cape of Good Hope would be reached. San and the Khoikhoi people were very close, often intermarrying and living together. Then in the 15th century, the Bantu pastoral tribes started to seep into the country. Even in 1498, many European crews found this to be a popular stop along the spice route. However, by the mid-17th century, shipwrecks and scurvy forced the Dutch traders to move to Table Bay, which is where you will find today’s Cape Town. ![]() Unfortunately, black South Africa was also invaded by forced migration in Sotho and people pushing into Zulu. As you can imagine, this brought much suffering and upheaval, which prompted by the Zulu chief, Shaka. This overwhelming disruption wiped some of the tribes out while others became enslaved and a few were able to escape. The Boers were easily trampled over while the Zulus stood fast. Although they fought a hard, bloody battle, they were eventually overcome. By the mid-9th century, something exciting occurred when diamonds were discovered in Kimberley. With this, the Dutch resistance became even stronger. From that time, South Africa went through the Anglo-Boer War, the discovery of gold, and much unrest with homes being burned, animals killed, and some women and children being captured and taken to concentration camps. There, some 26,000 people died from neglect and disease. South Africa’s union was established in 1910, restricting black’s rights and creating the foundation for apartheid. This was a major time of change, which under apartheid, each person was classified by race and then shown where they could live work, pray, and be educated. Regardless o where the blacks were born, they were divided into 10 tribal groups and then basically, dumped in the backwaters, otherwise called “Homeland”. With no infrastructure and no type of industry, the people were incapable of growing food enough to feed all the black people. With this, South Africa saw horrific and widespread suffering, causing many families to return to squatter camps within the cities. When the Inkatha movement tried to unite Homeland leaders, the blacks resisted in the forms of riots, strikes, protests, and in doing so, some lost their lives and Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. Then in 1961, the British Commonwealth pulled out, leaving South Africa an isolated country. Through many leadership changes, defeats, wars, and battles, a foundation of peace was finally reached in 1990. Even with this, complete peace within the country was not achieved completely. However, although South Africa wears past scars, she is an optimistic country with people who want what is right and good. Today, you will see much change in this country, making it a great place to visit. As a multiracial country that does not look or refer to the color of the skin, currently you see mingling of the rural and urban areas, meaning the old ways of life and old views are being changed. Even with vast improvements, you will find that across the various “tribes”, customs of tattoos, marriage, beliefs in masculine deity, supernatural forces, and so on, do exist. Art has always been and continues to be a major form of communication within this country. For example, some 26,000 years ago, rock and cave paintings were commonly used whereas other areas, Zulus used elaborated coded beadwork. This same love of art and color lives on throughout the continent of Africa where you see people wearing colorfully dyed clothing, magnificent bead necklaces and bracelets, and in many areas, homes are painted with bright colors of blue, pink, yellow, green, and so on. The country of South Africa is massive, divided into three primary parts to include the vast interior plateau, the Kalahari Basin, and then the narrow coastal plains. South Africa is mostly sunny and dry although there are variances in topography and surrounding oceans. However, if you plan to travel to the east, you might want to be prepared for rain. Typically, the southwest has the damper areas, the coast to the north becomes drier and hotter, weather along the south coast is temperate, and then around the east coast, you end up with a tropical environment. Some people find these tropical regions too humid to handle, choosing instead to head to the highlands where summers are gorgeous. One of the things most people discover about South Africa is that it is a land of magnificent and reverenced animals. For example, the African elephant, which is the largest of all animal species, can be found in South Africa along with pygmy shrew, giraffe, and the incredibly fast cheetah. However, other animals in this country include both black and white rhinoceros although these, especially the ones with their horns intact, are generally found in protected national parks and reserves. Of course, there is also flamingoes, weaverbirds, the ostrich, Kori, and even hippos and crocodiles swimming in the lowland streams. Surprisingly to many people, South Africa also boasts beautiful flora. You will commonly see wildflowers, lilies, and all types of colorful, fragrant plants and flowers. In fact, in the north region of the country, you will find wonderful vegetation to include thorn trees, acacias, and many dense forests that run along the southern coastlines, as well as areas to the northeast. In addition to the beauty of South Africa, you will also find this to be a festive country with people who love celebration of life and freedom. Some of the major events include the Day of the Vow, celebrating the massacre of the Zulus, Day of Reconciliation, which is held in the month of December, the Festival of Arts, at which time Grahamstown is turned into a beautiful celebratory town and the ever popular, Pretoria Show, held in August each year. Last Updated: 10/19/2006 3:14:00 PM Mode articles for South Africa![]() ... continue >> When visiting South Africa, get ready for some real excitement and adventure. Country is full of wonderful cities to visit. From the commonly known cities such as Cape Town and Johannesburg, to Durban and Port St. ... continue >> ![]() ... continue >> ![]() ... continue >> |
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